Distance from Algoma, Mississippi to Plum Creek, Virginia

Wondering how far is Plum Creek, Virginia from Algoma, Mississippi? Here's our driving distance calculation from Algoma to Plum Creek.

599 mi
964 km
Travel Time
9 hr 9 min

The driving distance between Algoma, Mississippi and Plum Creek, Virginia is 599 mi or 964 km . It takes 9 hr 9 min to reach Plum Creek from Algoma by road. The distance by air route is 520 mi / 837 km.

There are 2 routes to reach Plum Creek, Virginia from Algoma, Mississippi.

Via I-81 N
599 mi / 964 km - 9 hr 9 min
Via I-40 E and I-81 N
617 mi / 993 km - 9 hr 43 min

Algoma, Mississippi

Time 21:53:06
Latitude 34.1762179
Longitude -89.0311739
State Mississippi
Zip 38863
Timezone America/Indiana/Tell_City

Plum Creek, Virginia

Time 22:53:06
Latitude 37.1262194
Longitude -80.5057027
State Virginia
Zip 24073
Timezone America/Kentucky/Monticello

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