Distance from Almont, Michigan to Long Creek, Oregon

Wondering how far is Long Creek, Oregon from Almont, Michigan? Here's our driving distance calculation from Almont to Long Creek.

2195 mi
3533 km
Travel Time
32 hr

The driving distance between Almont, Michigan and Long Creek, Oregon is 2195 mi or 3533 km . It takes 32 hr to reach Long Creek from Almont by road. The distance by air route is 1787 mi / 2876 km.

There are 3 routes to reach Long Creek, Oregon from Almont, Michigan.

Via I-80 W
2195 mi / 3533 km - 32 hr
Via I-94 W and I-90 W
2377 mi / 3825 km - 35 hr
Via I-90 W
2356 mi / 3792 km - 35 hr

Almont, Michigan

Time 18:29:55
Latitude 42.9205842
Longitude -83.0449347
State Michigan
Zip 48003
Timezone America/Detroit

Long Creek, Oregon

Time 16:29:55
Latitude 44.714042
Longitude -119.1041375
State Oregon
Zip 97856
Timezone America/Boise

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Almont to Montpelier 170 mi / 274 km
Almont to Holiday Lake 173 mi / 278 km

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