Distance from Andrews, Texas to Highlands, New Jersey

Wondering how far is Highlands, New Jersey from Andrews, Texas? Here's our driving distance calculation from Andrews to Highlands.

1901 mi
3059 km
Travel Time
28 hr

The driving distance between Andrews, Texas and Highlands, New Jersey is 1901 mi or 3059 km . It takes 28 hr to reach Highlands from Andrews by road. The distance by air route is 1675 mi / 2696 km.

There are 3 routes to reach Highlands, New Jersey from Andrews, Texas.

Via I-40 E
1901 mi / 3059 km - 28 hr
Via I-44 E and I-70 E
1894 mi / 3048 km - 28 hr
Via I-30 E
1937 mi / 3117 km - 29 hr

Andrews, Texas

Time 20:04:08
Latitude 32.3187158
Longitude -102.5457155
State Texas
Zip 79714
Timezone America/Denver

Highlands, New Jersey

Time 22:04:08
Latitude 40.40372
Longitude -73.991527
State New Jersey
Zip 07732
Timezone America/New_York

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278 mi / 447 km

Andrews Distance to Popular Cities

Route Distance
Andrews to Cannon AFB 177 mi / 285 km
Andrews to Homestead Meadows North 252 mi / 406 km
Andrews to Horizon City 262 mi / 422 km
Andrews to Fort Bliss 265 mi / 426 km
Andrews to Socorro 267 mi / 430 km
Andrews to El Paso 273 mi / 439 km
Andrews to San Elizario 286 mi / 460 km
Andrews to Fabens 276 mi / 444 km
Andrews to Sunland Park 282 mi / 454 km
Andrews to Chaparral 278 mi / 447 km

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