Distance from Beaver, Oklahoma to Nezperce, Idaho

Wondering how far is Nezperce, Idaho from Beaver, Oklahoma? Here's our driving distance calculation from Beaver to Nezperce.

1432 mi
2305 km
Travel Time
22 hr 26 min

The driving distance between Beaver, Oklahoma and Nezperce, Idaho is 1432 mi or 2305 km . It takes 22 hr 26 min to reach Nezperce from Beaver by road. The distance by air route is 1038 mi / 1670 km.

There are 3 routes to reach Nezperce, Idaho from Beaver, Oklahoma.

Via I-84 W
1432 mi / 2305 km - 22 hr 26 min
Via I-80 W and I-84 W
1454 mi / 2340 km - 22 hr 25 min
Via I-25 N and I-90 W
1455 mi / 2342 km - 22 hr 32 min

Beaver, Oklahoma

Time 22:56:21
Latitude 36.8161371
Longitude -100.5198713
State Oklahoma
Zip 73932
Timezone America/Denver

Nezperce, Idaho

Time 22:56:21
Latitude 46.2348914
Longitude -116.2406975
State Idaho
Zip 83543
Timezone America/Boise

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