Distance from Benavides, Texas to Galena, Maryland

Wondering how far is Galena, Maryland from Benavides, Texas? Here's our driving distance calculation from Benavides to Galena.

1769 mi
2847 km
Travel Time
26 hr

The driving distance between Benavides, Texas and Galena, Maryland is 1769 mi or 2847 km . It takes 26 hr to reach Galena from Benavides by road. The distance by air route is 1524 mi / 2453 km.

There are 3 routes to reach Galena, Maryland from Benavides, Texas.

Via I-59 N
1769 mi / 2847 km - 26 hr
Via I-85 N
1787 mi / 2876 km - 26 hr
Via I-40 E
1835 mi / 2953 km - 27 hr

Benavides, Texas

Time 20:25:41
Latitude 27.5989194
Longitude -98.4080661
State Texas
Timezone America/Phoenix

Galena, Maryland

Time 22:25:41
Latitude 39.3406672
Longitude -75.8788279
State Maryland
Zip 21635
Timezone America/New_York

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Benavides Distance to Popular Cities

Route Distance
Benavides to Wyldwood 211 mi / 340 km
Benavides to Manor 222 mi / 357 km
Benavides to Cedar Park 239 mi / 385 km
Benavides to Brushy Creek 242 mi / 389 km
Benavides to Leander 245 mi / 394 km
Benavides to Watauga 411 mi / 661 km
Benavides to Highland Park 421 mi / 678 km
Benavides to University Park 413 mi / 665 km
Benavides to Grand Prairie 414 mi / 666 km
Benavides to Haslet 417 mi / 671 km

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