Distance from Brookneal, Virginia to Hoot Owl, Oklahoma

Wondering how far is Hoot Owl, Oklahoma from Brookneal, Virginia? Here's our driving distance calculation from Brookneal to Hoot Owl.

1081 mi
1740 km
Travel Time
16 hr 49 min

The driving distance between Brookneal, Virginia and Hoot Owl, Oklahoma is 1081 mi or 1740 km . It takes 16 hr 49 min to reach Hoot Owl from Brookneal by road. The distance by air route is 896 mi / 1442 km.

There are 3 routes to reach Hoot Owl, Oklahoma from Brookneal, Virginia.

Via US-60 W
1081 mi / 1740 km - 16 hr 49 min
Via I-40 W
1098 mi / 1767 km - 16 hr 52 min
Via I-81 S and I-40 W
1120 mi / 1802 km - 17 hr 12 min

Brookneal, Virginia

Time 19:51:08
Latitude 37.0501416
Longitude -78.9441801
State Virginia
Zip 24528
Timezone America/Kentucky/Monticello

Hoot Owl, Oklahoma

Time 19:51:08
Latitude 36.3598112
Longitude -95.1213521
State Oklahoma
Zip 74366
Timezone America/Indiana/Vincennes

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