Distance from Canby, Minnesota to Trabuco Canyon, California

Wondering how far is Trabuco Canyon, California from Canby, Minnesota? Here's our driving distance calculation from Canby to Trabuco Canyon.

1777 mi
2860 km
Travel Time
26 hr

The driving distance between Canby, Minnesota and Trabuco Canyon, California is 1777 mi or 2860 km . It takes 26 hr to reach Trabuco Canyon from Canby by road. The distance by air route is 1366 mi / 2198 km.

There are 3 routes to reach Trabuco Canyon, California from Canby, Minnesota.

Via I-90 W and I-15 S
1777 mi / 2860 km - 26 hr
Via I-70 W and I-15 S
1744 mi / 2807 km - 26 hr
Via I-40 W
1916 mi / 3084 km - 29 hr

Canby, Minnesota

Time 05:05:04
Latitude 44.7088525
Longitude -96.2764335
State Minnesota
Zip 56220
Timezone America/North_Dakota/New_Salem

Trabuco Canyon, California

Time 03:05:04
Latitude 33.6655081
Longitude -117.5869862
State California
Timezone America/Los_Angeles

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Canby to Loves Park 481 mi / 774 km
Canby to Poplar Grove 482 mi / 776 km

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With RouteDistance.net, you can effortlessly calculate the travel distance between any two cities worldwide, helping you gauge the scope of your adventure. But that's not all – we go above and beyond by providing you with a treasure trove of additional information. Need to know the current time and date at your destination? RouteDistance.net has you covered. Curious about the precise latitude and longitude coordinates? Just a few clicks away. And for those who prefer to hit the open road, we offer the best driving routes with step-by-step directions, ensuring you reach your destination safely and efficiently.

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