Distance from Cañon City, Colorado to Croswell, Michigan

Wondering how far is Croswell, Michigan from Cañon City, Colorado? Here's our driving distance calculation from Cañon City to Croswell.

1451 mi
2335 km
Travel Time
21 hr 1 min

The driving distance between Cañon City, Colorado and Croswell, Michigan is 1451 mi or 2335 km . It takes 21 hr 1 min to reach Croswell from Cañon City by road. The distance by air route is 1223 mi / 1968 km.

There are 3 routes to reach Croswell, Michigan from Cañon City, Colorado.

Via I-80 E
1451 mi / 2335 km - 21 hr 1 min
Via I-76 E and I-80 E
1450 mi / 2334 km - 21 hr 5 min
Via I-70 E
1480 mi / 2382 km - 21 hr 54 min

Cañon City, Colorado

Time 16:52:39
Latitude 38.4494063
Longitude -105.2253316
State Colorado
Zip 81212
Timezone America/Denver

Croswell, Michigan

Time 18:52:39
Latitude 43.2755809
Longitude -82.621038
State Michigan
Zip 48422
Timezone America/Detroit

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