Distance from Chapin, South Carolina to Elfrida, Arizona

Wondering how far is Elfrida, Arizona from Chapin, South Carolina? Here's our driving distance calculation from Chapin to Elfrida.

1889 mi
3040 km
Travel Time
28 hr

The driving distance between Chapin, South Carolina and Elfrida, Arizona is 1889 mi or 3040 km . It takes 28 hr to reach Elfrida from Chapin by road. The distance by air route is 1647 mi / 2651 km.

There are 3 routes to reach Elfrida, Arizona from Chapin, South Carolina.

Via I-20 W
1889 mi / 3040 km - 28 hr
Via I-30 W and I-20 W
1951 mi / 3140 km - 29 hr
Via I-40 W, I-30 W and I-20 W
1966 mi / 3164 km - 29 hr

Chapin, South Carolina

Time 18:10:13
Latitude 34.1659795
Longitude -81.3498211
State South Carolina
Zip 29036
Timezone America/Kentucky/Monticello

Elfrida, Arizona

Time 16:10:13
Latitude 31.6852283
Longitude -109.6874513
State Arizona
Zip 85610
Timezone America/Phoenix

Nearby Cities

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St James

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220 mi / 354 km

Kings Bay Base

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292 mi / 470 km

Chapin Distance to Popular Cities

Route Distance
Chapin to Southern Shops 76 mi / 122 km
Chapin to Golden Grove 82 mi / 132 km
Chapin to Statesville 134 mi / 216 km
Chapin to Laurel Bay 152 mi / 245 km
Chapin to Hays 180 mi / 290 km
Chapin to Johns Creek 209 mi / 336 km
Chapin to St James 233 mi / 375 km
Chapin to Bristol 220 mi / 354 km
Chapin to Kings Bay Base 279 mi / 449 km
Chapin to Fruithurst 292 mi / 470 km

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