Distance from Clara City, Minnesota to Elephant Head, Arizona

Wondering how far is Elephant Head, Arizona from Clara City, Minnesota? Here's our driving distance calculation from Clara City to Elephant Head.

1632 mi
2626 km
Travel Time
25 hr

The driving distance between Clara City, Minnesota and Elephant Head, Arizona is 1632 mi or 2626 km . It takes 25 hr to reach Elephant Head from Clara City by road. The distance by air route is 1240 mi / 1996 km.

There are 3 routes to reach Elephant Head, Arizona from Clara City, Minnesota.

Via I-25 S
1632 mi / 2626 km - 25 hr
Via I-25 S and I-10 W
1631 mi / 2625 km - 25 hr
Via MN-23 W, I-25 S and I-10 W
1618 mi / 2604 km - 26 hr

Clara City, Minnesota

Time 04:59:07
Latitude 44.9555652
Longitude -95.3671542
State Minnesota
Zip 56222
Timezone America/North_Dakota/New_Salem

Elephant Head, Arizona

Time 03:59:07
Latitude 31.7242543
Longitude -110.9389773
State Arizona
Timezone America/Phoenix

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