Distance from Crow Agency, Montana to Silverton, Oregon

Wondering how far is Silverton, Oregon from Crow Agency, Montana? Here's our driving distance calculation from Crow Agency to Silverton.

985 mi
1585 km
Travel Time
15 hr 1 min

The driving distance between Crow Agency, Montana and Silverton, Oregon is 985 mi or 1585 km . It takes 15 hr 1 min to reach Silverton from Crow Agency by road. The distance by air route is 744 mi / 1197 km.

There are 3 routes to reach Silverton, Oregon from Crow Agency, Montana.

Via I-90 W
985 mi / 1585 km - 15 hr 1 min
Via I-84 W
1134 mi / 1825 km - 17 hr 22 min
Via I-90 W and I-84 W
1137 mi / 1830 km - 17 hr 25 min

Crow Agency, Montana

Time 09:18:40
Latitude 45.6041414
Longitude -107.4645278
State Montana
Zip 59022
Timezone America/North_Dakota/Beulah

Silverton, Oregon

Time 08:18:40
Latitude 45.0051213
Longitude -122.7831455
State Oregon
Zip 97381
Timezone America/Boise

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