Distance from Eveleth, Minnesota to Burbank, Washington

Wondering how far is Burbank, Washington from Eveleth, Minnesota? Here's our driving distance calculation from Eveleth to Burbank.

1515 mi
2438 km
Travel Time
22 hr 38 min

The driving distance between Eveleth, Minnesota and Burbank, Washington is 1515 mi or 2438 km . It takes 22 hr 38 min to reach Burbank from Eveleth by road. The distance by air route is 1248 mi / 2008 km.

There are 3 routes to reach Burbank, Washington from Eveleth, Minnesota.

Via I-94 W and I-90 W
1515 mi / 2438 km - 22 hr 38 min
Via US-212 W and I-90 W
1650 mi / 2655 km - 26 hr
Via Trans-Canada Hwy/SK-1 W
1564 mi / 2517 km - 26 hr

Eveleth, Minnesota

Time 03:44:34
Latitude 47.4624279
Longitude -92.5399063
State Minnesota
Zip 55734
Timezone America/Menominee

Burbank, Washington

Time 02:44:34
Latitude 46.1998568
Longitude -119.0130618
State Washington
Zip 99323
Timezone America/Boise

Nearby Cities

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448 mi / 721 km

Machesney Park

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Eveleth Distance to Popular Cities

Route Distance
Eveleth to North Oaks 181 mi / 291 km
Eveleth to White Pine 212 mi / 341 km
Eveleth to Ewen 214 mi / 344 km
Eveleth to Republic 293 mi / 472 km
Eveleth to Michigamme River 297 mi / 478 km
Eveleth to Ishpeming 298 mi / 480 km
Eveleth to Lake Summerset 439 mi / 707 km
Eveleth to Argyle 446 mi / 718 km
Eveleth to Caledonia 448 mi / 721 km
Eveleth to Machesney Park 449 mi / 723 km

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With RouteDistance.net, you can effortlessly calculate the travel distance between any two cities worldwide, helping you gauge the scope of your adventure. But that's not all – we go above and beyond by providing you with a treasure trove of additional information. Need to know the current time and date at your destination? RouteDistance.net has you covered. Curious about the precise latitude and longitude coordinates? Just a few clicks away. And for those who prefer to hit the open road, we offer the best driving routes with step-by-step directions, ensuring you reach your destination safely and efficiently.

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