Distance from Falconer, New York to Kramer, North Dakota

Wondering how far is Kramer, North Dakota from Falconer, New York? Here's our driving distance calculation from Falconer to Kramer.

1403 mi
2258 km
Travel Time
20 hr 46 min

The driving distance between Falconer, New York and Kramer, North Dakota is 1403 mi or 2258 km . It takes 20 hr 46 min to reach Kramer from Falconer by road. The distance by air route is 1133 mi / 1823 km.

There are 2 routes to reach Kramer, North Dakota from Falconer, New York.

Via I-90 W and I-94 W
1403 mi / 2258 km - 20 hr 46 min
Via I-90 W
1502 mi / 2417 km - 22 hr 20 min

Falconer, New York

Time 22:41:52
Latitude 42.1186695
Longitude -79.1983799
State New York
Timezone America/Detroit

Kramer, North Dakota

Time 21:41:52
Latitude 48.690565
Longitude -100.7068093
State North Dakota
Zip 58748
Timezone America/North_Dakota/Beulah

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