Distance from Glenrock, Wyoming to Sleepy Hollow Lake, Greene County, New York, New York

Wondering how far is Sleepy Hollow Lake, Greene County, New York, New York from Glenrock, Wyoming? Here's our driving distance calculation from Glenrock to Sleepy Hollow Lake, Greene County, New York.

1897 mi
3053 km
Travel Time
28 hr

The driving distance between Glenrock, Wyoming and Sleepy Hollow Lake, Greene County, New York, New York is 1897 mi or 3053 km . It takes 28 hr to reach Sleepy Hollow Lake, Greene County, New York from Glenrock by road. The distance by air route is 1622 mi / 2610 km.

There are 3 routes to reach Sleepy Hollow Lake, Greene County, New York, New York from Glenrock, Wyoming.

Via I-80 E and I-90 E
1897 mi / 3053 km - 28 hr
Via I-25 S, I-80 E and I-90 E
1932 mi / 3109 km - 28 hr
Via I-80 E
1911 mi / 3075 km - 28 hr

Glenrock, Wyoming

Time 06:33:27
Latitude 42.8613552
Longitude -105.8722264
State Wyoming
Zip 82637
Timezone America/Denver

Sleepy Hollow Lake, Greene County, New York, New York

Time 08:33:27
Latitude 42.2954767
Longitude -73.8073516
State New York
Zip 12015
Timezone America/New_York

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