Distance from Goodhue, Minnesota to Princeton, South Carolina

Wondering how far is Princeton, South Carolina from Goodhue, Minnesota? Here's our driving distance calculation from Goodhue to Princeton.

1116 mi
1796 km
Travel Time
16 hr 54 min

The driving distance between Goodhue, Minnesota and Princeton, South Carolina is 1116 mi or 1796 km . It takes 16 hr 54 min to reach Princeton from Goodhue by road. The distance by air route is 877 mi / 1411 km.

There are 3 routes to reach Princeton, South Carolina from Goodhue, Minnesota.

Via I-90 E
1116 mi / 1796 km - 16 hr 54 min
Via I-74
1141 mi / 1836 km - 17 hr 37 min
Via I-24 E
1174 mi / 1889 km - 17 hr 58 min

Goodhue, Minnesota

Time 03:51:42
Latitude 44.4005221
Longitude -92.6238028
State Minnesota
Zip 55027
Timezone America/Menominee

Princeton, South Carolina

Time 04:51:42
Latitude 34.4970603
Longitude -82.287062
State South Carolina
Zip 29654
Timezone America/Kentucky/Monticello

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Goodhue Distance to Popular Cities

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Goodhue to Ferris 329 mi / 529 km
Goodhue to Baraga 362 mi / 583 km

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