Distance from Hagan, Georgia to Homeacre-Lyndora, Pennsylvania

Wondering how far is Homeacre-Lyndora, Pennsylvania from Hagan, Georgia? Here's our driving distance calculation from Hagan to Homeacre-Lyndora.

742 mi
1194 km
Travel Time
11 hr 38 min

The driving distance between Hagan, Georgia and Homeacre-Lyndora, Pennsylvania is 742 mi or 1194 km . It takes 11 hr 38 min to reach Homeacre-Lyndora from Hagan by road. The distance by air route is 612 mi / 985 km.

There are 3 routes to reach Homeacre-Lyndora, Pennsylvania from Hagan, Georgia.

Via I-77 N
742 mi / 1194 km - 11 hr 38 min
Via I-20 E and I-77 N
794 mi / 1278 km - 12 hr 18 min
Via I-81 N
833 mi / 1341 km - 13 hr 7 min

Hagan, Georgia

Time 08:31:35
Latitude 32.1582332
Longitude -81.9356988
State Georgia
Zip 30417
Timezone America/Kentucky/Monticello

Homeacre-Lyndora, Pennsylvania

Time 08:31:35
Latitude 40.8686284
Longitude -79.9248646
State Pennsylvania
Zip 16001
Timezone America/Detroit

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