Distance from Happy Camp, California to Nibbe, Montana

Wondering how far is Nibbe, Montana from Happy Camp, California? Here's our driving distance calculation from Happy Camp to Nibbe.

1191 mi
1917 km
Travel Time
18 hr 58 min

The driving distance between Happy Camp, California and Nibbe, Montana is 1191 mi or 1917 km . It takes 18 hr 58 min to reach Nibbe from Happy Camp by road. The distance by air route is 816 mi / 1313 km.

There are 3 routes to reach Nibbe, Montana from Happy Camp, California.

Via US-20 E
1191 mi / 1917 km - 18 hr 58 min
Via I-90 E
1233 mi / 1984 km - 18 hr 55 min
Via I-84 E and US-20 E
1194 mi / 1922 km - 19 hr 3 min

Happy Camp, California

Time 11:59:25
Latitude 41.792654
Longitude -123.3785705
State California
Zip 96039
Timezone America/Boise

Nibbe, Montana

Time 12:59:25
Latitude 45.9838566
Longitude -108.0273341
State Montana
Zip 59088
Timezone America/North_Dakota/Beulah

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