Distance from Happy Valley, California to Moro, Illinois

Wondering how far is Moro, Illinois from Happy Valley, California? Here's our driving distance calculation from Happy Valley to Moro.

2054 mi
3306 km
Travel Time
30 hr

The driving distance between Happy Valley, California and Moro, Illinois is 2054 mi or 3306 km . It takes 30 hr to reach Moro from Happy Valley by road. The distance by air route is 1715 mi / 2760 km.

There are 3 routes to reach Moro, Illinois from Happy Valley, California.

Via I-80 E
2054 mi / 3306 km - 30 hr
Via I-80 E and I-70 E
2092 mi / 3367 km - 30 hr
Via I-40 E
2303 mi / 3706 km - 34 hr

Happy Valley, California

Time 11:45:53
Latitude 40.4505502
Longitude -122.4053018
State California
Timezone America/Boise

Moro, Illinois

Time 13:45:53
Latitude 38.924769
Longitude -90.0220491
State Illinois
Zip 62067
Timezone America/Indiana/Vincennes

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