Distance from Hinton, Iowa to Lake Arrowhead, California

Wondering how far is Lake Arrowhead, California from Hinton, Iowa? Here's our driving distance calculation from Hinton to Lake Arrowhead.

1556 mi
2504 km
Travel Time
23 hr 15 min

The driving distance between Hinton, Iowa and Lake Arrowhead, California is 1556 mi or 2504 km . It takes 23 hr 15 min to reach Lake Arrowhead from Hinton by road. The distance by air route is 1266 mi / 2037 km.

There are 3 routes to reach Lake Arrowhead, California from Hinton, Iowa.

Via I-70 W and I-15 S
1556 mi / 2504 km - 23 hr 15 min
Via I-80 W and I-15 S
1623 mi / 2612 km - 24 hr
Via I-40 W
1687 mi / 2715 km - 26 hr

Hinton, Iowa

Time 15:18:13
Latitude 42.6266175
Longitude -96.2924857
State Iowa
Zip 51024
Timezone America/North_Dakota/New_Salem

Lake Arrowhead, California

Time 13:18:13
Latitude 34.2483396
Longitude -117.1892078
State California
Timezone America/Los_Angeles

Nearby Cities

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312 mi / 502 km

Fort Pierre

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312 mi / 502 km


311 mi / 501 km

Loch Lloyd

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367 mi / 591 km

Hinton Distance to Popular Cities

Route Distance
Hinton to Offutt AFB 121 mi / 195 km
Hinton to North Oaks 277 mi / 446 km
Hinton to Fort Riley 307 mi / 494 km
Hinton to Lake Quivira 293 mi / 472 km
Hinton to Lawrence 312 mi / 502 km
Hinton to Fort Pierre 308 mi / 496 km
Hinton to Mullen 312 mi / 502 km
Hinton to Merriman 311 mi / 501 km
Hinton to Loch Lloyd 314 mi / 505 km
Hinton to Wanblee 367 mi / 591 km

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