Distance from La Puerta, Texas to Damascus, Ohio

Wondering how far is Damascus, Ohio from La Puerta, Texas? Here's our driving distance calculation from La Puerta to Damascus.

1729 mi
2783 km
Travel Time
25 hr

The driving distance between La Puerta, Texas and Damascus, Ohio is 1729 mi or 2783 km . It takes 25 hr to reach Damascus from La Puerta by road. The distance by air route is 1429 mi / 2300 km.

There are 3 routes to reach Damascus, Ohio from La Puerta, Texas.

Via I-40 E
1729 mi / 2783 km - 25 hr
Via I-30 E and I-40 E
1715 mi / 2760 km - 25 hr
Via I-71 N
1679 mi / 2702 km - 26 hr

La Puerta, Texas

Time 19:27:29
Latitude 26.3445116
Longitude -98.7450255
State Texas
Zip 78582
Timezone America/Phoenix

Damascus, Ohio

Time 21:27:29
Latitude 40.9023023
Longitude -80.955421
State Ohio
Timezone America/Detroit

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