Distance from Lakeport, Michigan to Beloit, Kansas

Wondering how far is Beloit, Kansas from Lakeport, Michigan? Here's our driving distance calculation from Lakeport to Beloit.

1015 mi
1633 km
Travel Time
14 hr 52 min

The driving distance between Lakeport, Michigan and Beloit, Kansas is 1015 mi or 1633 km . It takes 14 hr 52 min to reach Beloit from Lakeport by road. The distance by air route is 848 mi / 1365 km.

There are 3 routes to reach Beloit, Kansas from Lakeport, Michigan.

Via I-80 W
1015 mi / 1633 km - 14 hr 52 min
Via I-69 W and I-80 W
1017 mi / 1637 km - 15 hr 2 min
Via I-69 W, I-94 W and I-80 W
1017 mi / 1637 km - 14 hr 59 min

Lakeport, Michigan

Time 06:05:09
Latitude 43.1150282
Longitude -82.4901982
State Michigan
Zip 48059
Timezone America/Detroit

Beloit, Kansas

Time 04:05:09
Latitude 39.4561178
Longitude -98.1061595
State Kansas
Zip 67420
Timezone America/Denver

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