Distance from Lakeview, Washington to Aspinwall, Iowa

Wondering how far is Aspinwall, Iowa from Lakeview, Washington? Here's our driving distance calculation from Lakeview to Aspinwall.

1491 mi
2400 km
Travel Time
22 hr 24 min

The driving distance between Lakeview, Washington and Aspinwall, Iowa is 1491 mi or 2400 km . It takes 22 hr 24 min to reach Aspinwall from Lakeview by road. The distance by air route is 1250 mi / 2012 km.

There are 3 routes to reach Aspinwall, Iowa from Lakeview, Washington.

Via I-90 E
1491 mi / 2400 km - 22 hr 24 min
Via US-212 E and I-90 E
1502 mi / 2417 km - 22 hr 24 min
Via I-90 E and US-12 E
1566 mi / 2520 km - 24 hr

Lakeview, Washington

Time 18:13:50
Latitude 47.374029
Longitude -119.5022582
State Washington
Zip 98851
Timezone America/Boise

Aspinwall, Iowa

Time 19:13:50
Latitude 41.911931
Longitude -95.135549
State Iowa
Timezone America/Chicago

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