Distance from Leadington, Missouri to Shepherdsville, Kentucky

Wondering how far is Shepherdsville, Kentucky from Leadington, Missouri? Here's our driving distance calculation from Leadington to Shepherdsville.

348 mi
560 km
Travel Time
5 hr 18 min

The driving distance between Leadington, Missouri and Shepherdsville, Kentucky is 348 mi or 560 km . It takes 5 hr 18 min to reach Shepherdsville from Leadington by road. The distance by air route is 260 mi / 418 km.

There are 2 routes to reach Shepherdsville, Kentucky from Leadington, Missouri.

Via I-64 E
348 mi / 560 km - 5 hr 18 min
Via Western Kentucky Pkwy
350 mi / 563 km - 5 hr 36 min

Leadington, Missouri

Time 19:09:59
Latitude 37.8403292
Longitude -90.491791
State Missouri
Timezone America/Indiana/Vincennes

Shepherdsville, Kentucky

Time 19:09:59
Latitude 37.9883991
Longitude -85.7157924
State Kentucky
Zip 40165
Timezone America/Kentucky/Louisville

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