Distance from Maywood Park, Oregon to Alvo, Nebraska

Wondering how far is Alvo, Nebraska from Maywood Park, Oregon? Here's our driving distance calculation from Maywood Park to Alvo.

1622 mi
2610 km
Travel Time
23 hr 22 min

The driving distance between Maywood Park, Oregon and Alvo, Nebraska is 1622 mi or 2610 km . It takes 23 hr 22 min to reach Alvo from Maywood Park by road. The distance by air route is 1350 mi / 2173 km.

There are 3 routes to reach Alvo, Nebraska from Maywood Park, Oregon.

Via I-84 E and I-80 E
1622 mi / 2610 km - 23 hr 22 min
Via I-90 E
1758 mi / 2829 km - 26 hr
Via I-90 E and I-80 E
1756 mi / 2826 km - 26 hr

Maywood Park, Oregon

Time 08:07:56
Latitude 45.5527942
Longitude -122.5608738
State Oregon
Zip 97220
Timezone America/Boise

Alvo, Nebraska

Time 09:07:56
Latitude 40.8719437
Longitude -96.38751
State Nebraska
Zip 68304
Timezone America/Chicago

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