Distance from Mendenhall, Mississippi to Meadow Glade, Washington

Wondering how far is Meadow Glade, Washington from Mendenhall, Mississippi? Here's our driving distance calculation from Mendenhall to Meadow Glade.

2497 mi
4019 km
Travel Time
37 hr

The driving distance between Mendenhall, Mississippi and Meadow Glade, Washington is 2497 mi or 4019 km . It takes 37 hr to reach Meadow Glade from Mendenhall by road. The distance by air route is 1981 mi / 3188 km.

There are 3 routes to reach Meadow Glade, Washington from Mendenhall, Mississippi.

Via I-84 W
2497 mi / 4019 km - 37 hr
Via I-80 W and I-84 W
2497 mi / 4019 km - 37 hr
Via I-20 W and I-84 W
2481 mi / 3993 km - 37 hr

Mendenhall, Mississippi

Time 20:05:17
Latitude 31.9618236
Longitude -89.870078
State Mississippi
Zip 39114
Timezone America/Kentucky/Monticello

Meadow Glade, Washington

Time 18:05:17
Latitude 45.7584495
Longitude -122.5603752
State Washington
Zip 98604
Timezone America/Boise

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