Distance from Minden, Nevada to Painesdale, Michigan

Wondering how far is Painesdale, Michigan from Minden, Nevada? Here's our driving distance calculation from Minden to Painesdale.

2036 mi
3277 km
Travel Time
31 hr

The driving distance between Minden, Nevada and Painesdale, Michigan is 2036 mi or 3277 km . It takes 31 hr to reach Painesdale from Minden by road. The distance by air route is 1655 mi / 2663 km.

There are 3 routes to reach Painesdale, Michigan from Minden, Nevada.

Via I-94 E
2036 mi / 3277 km - 31 hr
Via I-80 E and I-94 E
2049 mi / 3298 km - 31 hr
Via I-80 E
2147 mi / 3455 km - 32 hr

Minden, Nevada

Time 07:17:25
Latitude 38.9540739
Longitude -119.7657332
State Nevada
Zip 89423
Timezone America/Los_Angeles

Painesdale, Michigan

Time 09:17:25
Latitude 47.0432617
Longitude -88.6723492
State Michigan
Zip 49905
Timezone America/Menominee

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202 mi / 325 km

Minden Distance to Popular Cities

Route Distance
Minden to Glenbrook 26 mi / 42 km
Minden to Verdi 61 mi / 98 km
Minden to Fallon Station 83 mi / 134 km
Minden to Patton Village 100 mi / 161 km
Minden to Herlong 101 mi / 163 km
Minden to Auburn Lake Trails 108 mi / 174 km
Minden to Lake Wildwood 119 mi / 192 km
Minden to Vineyard 124 mi / 200 km
Minden to Alhambra Valley 195 mi / 314 km
Minden to Temelec 202 mi / 325 km

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