Distance from Moyie Springs, Idaho to Valley Head, Alabama

Wondering how far is Valley Head, Alabama from Moyie Springs, Idaho? Here's our driving distance calculation from Moyie Springs to Valley Head.

2269 mi
3652 km
Travel Time
34 hr

The driving distance between Moyie Springs, Idaho and Valley Head, Alabama is 2269 mi or 3652 km . It takes 34 hr to reach Valley Head from Moyie Springs by road. The distance by air route is 1838 mi / 2958 km.

There are 2 routes to reach Valley Head, Alabama from Moyie Springs, Idaho.

Via I-90 E
2269 mi / 3652 km - 34 hr
Via I-94 E
2356 mi / 3792 km - 35 hr

Moyie Springs, Idaho

Time 12:12:46
Latitude 48.7263285
Longitude -116.1885283
State Idaho
Zip 83845
Timezone America/Boise

Valley Head, Alabama

Time 14:12:46
Latitude 34.5689732
Longitude -85.6149654
State Alabama
Timezone America/Kentucky/Monticello

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