Distance from Mt Airy, North Carolina to Remsenburg-Speonk, New York

Wondering how far is Remsenburg-Speonk from Mt Airy? Here's our travel distance calculation from Mt Airy to Remsenburg-Speonk.

635 mi
1022 km
Travel Time
9 hr 58 min

Remsenburg-Speonk, New York is 635 mi or 1022 km away from Mt Airy, North Carolina. It takes 9 hr 58 min to reach Remsenburg-Speonk from Mt Airy by road. The distance via air route is 521 mi / 838 km.

There are 3 routes to reach Remsenburg-Speonk, New York from Mt Airy, North Carolina.

Via I-81 N
635 mi / 1022 km - 9 hr 58 min
Via I-81 N and I-78 E
636 mi / 1024 km - 10 hr 6 min
Via I-81 N and I-95 N
634 mi / 1020 km - 10 hr 2 min

Mt Airy, North Carolina

Time 23:54:27
Coordinates 36.4999641, -80.6053793
State North Carolina
Zip 27030
Timezone America/Kentucky/Monticello

Remsenburg-Speonk, New York

Time 23:54:27
Coordinates 40.834894, -72.6919814
State New York
Timezone America/New_York

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