Distance from Mt Vernon, Oregon to Sutherland, Nebraska

Wondering how far is Sutherland, Nebraska from Mt Vernon, Oregon? Here's our driving distance calculation from Mt Vernon to Sutherland.

1129 mi
1817 km
Travel Time
16 hr 24 min

The driving distance between Mt Vernon, Oregon and Sutherland, Nebraska is 1129 mi or 1817 km . It takes 16 hr 24 min to reach Sutherland from Mt Vernon by road. The distance by air route is 937 mi / 1508 km.

There are 2 routes to reach Sutherland, Nebraska from Mt Vernon, Oregon.

Via I-84 E and I-80 E
1129 mi / 1817 km - 16 hr 24 min
Via US-26 E
1146 mi / 1844 km - 18 hr 34 min

Mt Vernon, Oregon

Time 00:51:38
Latitude 44.4176525
Longitude -119.1135709
State Oregon
Zip 97865
Timezone America/Boise

Sutherland, Nebraska

Time 00:51:38
Latitude 41.1566621
Longitude -101.1268239
State Nebraska
Zip 69165
Timezone America/Denver

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Mt Vernon Distance to Popular Cities

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Mt Vernon to Annex 152 mi / 245 km

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