Distance from New Llano, Louisiana to Plentywood, Montana

Wondering how far is Plentywood, Montana from New Llano, Louisiana? Here's our driving distance calculation from New Llano to Plentywood.

1707 mi
2747 km
Travel Time
26 hr

The driving distance between New Llano, Louisiana and Plentywood, Montana is 1707 mi or 2747 km . It takes 26 hr to reach Plentywood from New Llano by road. The distance by air route is 1355 mi / 2181 km.

There are 3 routes to reach Plentywood, Montana from New Llano, Louisiana.

Via I-29 N
1707 mi / 2747 km - 26 hr
Via I-29 N and US-52 W
1690 mi / 2720 km - 26 hr
Via I-35 N
1704 mi / 2742 km - 26 hr

New Llano, Louisiana

Time 17:27:25
Latitude 31.1149093
Longitude -93.2715535
State Louisiana
Timezone America/Indiana/Tell_City

Plentywood, Montana

Time 17:27:25
Latitude 48.773639
Longitude -104.5602351
State Montana
Zip 59254
Timezone America/North_Dakota/Beulah

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