Distance from Osburn, Idaho to Lely Resort, Florida

Wondering how far is Lely Resort, Florida from Osburn, Idaho? Here's our driving distance calculation from Osburn to Lely Resort.

2898 mi
4664 km
Travel Time
42 hr

The driving distance between Osburn, Idaho and Lely Resort, Florida is 2898 mi or 4664 km . It takes 42 hr to reach Lely Resort from Osburn by road. The distance by air route is 2375 mi / 3822 km.

There are 3 routes to reach Lely Resort, Florida from Osburn, Idaho.

Via I-90 E
2898 mi / 4664 km - 42 hr
Via I-90 E and I-75 S
2940 mi / 4731 km - 43 hr
Via I-94 E
3046 mi / 4902 km - 44 hr

Osburn, Idaho

Time 17:24:27
Latitude 47.5060379
Longitude -115.9993296
State Idaho
Timezone America/Boise

Lely Resort, Florida

Time 19:24:27
Latitude 26.0809265
Longitude -81.6978637
State Florida
Zip 34113
Timezone America/Kentucky/Monticello

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Osburn to Lake Mary Ronan 142 mi / 229 km
Osburn to Conner 191 mi / 307 km

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