Distance from Plains, Kansas to Chenoweth, Oregon

Wondering how far is Chenoweth, Oregon from Plains, Kansas? Here's our driving distance calculation from Plains to Chenoweth.

1520 mi
2446 km
Travel Time
22 hr 42 min

The driving distance between Plains, Kansas and Chenoweth, Oregon is 1520 mi or 2446 km . It takes 22 hr 42 min to reach Chenoweth from Plains by road. The distance by air route is 1211 mi / 1949 km.

There are 3 routes to reach Chenoweth, Oregon from Plains, Kansas.

Via I-84 W
1520 mi / 2446 km - 22 hr 42 min
Via I-70 W and I-84 W
1577 mi / 2538 km - 23 hr 41 min
Via US-160 W and I-84 W
1584 mi / 2549 km - 25 hr

Plains, Kansas

Time 12:25:49
Latitude 37.2602994
Longitude -100.5926524
State Kansas
Zip 67869
Timezone America/Denver

Chenoweth, Oregon

Time 12:25:49
Latitude 45.6276198
Longitude -121.2434056
State Oregon
Zip 97058
Timezone America/Boise

Nearby Cities


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McConnell AFB

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226 mi / 364 km


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248 mi / 399 km


252 mi / 406 km


258 mi / 415 km


263 mi / 423 km

Plains Distance to Popular Cities

Route Distance
Plains to Walsh 117 mi / 188 km
Plains to Two Buttes 121 mi / 195 km
Plains to McConnell AFB 199 mi / 320 km
Plains to Goodland 209 mi / 336 km
Plains to Kanorado 226 mi / 364 km
Plains to Burlington 239 mi / 385 km
Plains to Bethune 248 mi / 399 km
Plains to Grady 252 mi / 406 km
Plains to Broadview 258 mi / 415 km
Plains to Conchas 263 mi / 423 km

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