Distance from Pocatello, Idaho to Cashton, Wisconsin

Wondering how far is Cashton, Wisconsin from Pocatello, Idaho? Here's our driving distance calculation from Pocatello to Cashton.

1362 mi
2192 km
Travel Time
19 hr 55 min

The driving distance between Pocatello, Idaho and Cashton, Wisconsin is 1362 mi or 2192 km . It takes 19 hr 55 min to reach Cashton from Pocatello by road. The distance by air route is 1088 mi / 1751 km.

There are 3 routes to reach Cashton, Wisconsin from Pocatello, Idaho.

Via I-90 E
1362 mi / 2192 km - 19 hr 55 min
Via I-94 E
1412 mi / 2272 km - 20 hr 49 min
Via I-80 E
1407 mi / 2264 km - 20 hr 55 min

Pocatello, Idaho

Time 20:50:48
Latitude 42.8621042
Longitude -112.4506191
State Idaho
Timezone America/Boise

Cashton, Wisconsin

Time 21:50:48
Latitude 43.7419143
Longitude -90.7792984
State Wisconsin
Zip 54619
Timezone America/Menominee

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Baker City

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Pocatello Distance to Popular Cities

Route Distance
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Pocatello to Silver Summit 193 mi / 311 km
Pocatello to Gardiner 212 mi / 341 km
Pocatello to Jardine 218 mi / 351 km
Pocatello to Owyhee 270 mi / 435 km
Pocatello to Baker City 359 mi / 578 km
Pocatello to Union 393 mi / 632 km

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