Distance from Port Aransas, Texas to Castella, California

Wondering how far is Castella, California from Port Aransas, Texas? Here's our driving distance calculation from Port Aransas to Castella.

2120 mi
3412 km
Travel Time
31 hr

The driving distance between Port Aransas, Texas and Castella, California is 2120 mi or 3412 km . It takes 31 hr to reach Castella from Port Aransas by road. The distance by air route is 1697 mi / 2731 km.

There are 2 routes to reach Castella, California from Port Aransas, Texas.

Via I-10 W and I-5 N
2120 mi / 3412 km - 31 hr
Via I-40 W
2133 mi / 3433 km - 32 hr

Port Aransas, Texas

Time 08:06:35
Latitude 27.8339158
Longitude -97.0610994
State Texas
Timezone America/Indiana/Tell_City

Castella, California

Time 07:06:35
Latitude 41.1384854
Longitude -122.3177877
State California
Zip 96017
Timezone America/Boise

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