Distance from Riverton, Kansas to Judyville, Indiana

Wondering how far is Judyville, Indiana from Riverton, Kansas? Here's our driving distance calculation from Riverton to Judyville.

542 mi
872 km
Travel Time
8 hr 1 min

The driving distance between Riverton, Kansas and Judyville, Indiana is 542 mi or 872 km . It takes 8 hr 1 min to reach Judyville from Riverton by road. The distance by air route is 454 mi / 731 km.

There are 3 routes to reach Judyville, Indiana from Riverton, Kansas.

Via I-44 E
542 mi / 872 km - 8 hr 1 min
Via I-44 E and I-70 E
535 mi / 861 km - 8 hr 2 min
Via I-72 E
562 mi / 904 km - 8 hr 44 min

Riverton, Kansas

Time 09:20:49
Latitude 37.0749367
Longitude -94.7045859
State Kansas
Zip 66770
Timezone America/Indiana/Vincennes

Judyville, Indiana

Time 09:20:49
Latitude 40.358333
Longitude -87.395
State Indiana
Zip 47993
Timezone America/Indiana/Winamac

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McConnell AFB

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Whiteman AFB

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Riverton Distance to Popular Cities

Route Distance
Riverton to Loch Lloyd 129 mi / 208 km
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Riverton to Stroud 163 mi / 262 km
Riverton to Kendrick 170 mi / 274 km
Riverton to Chandler 176 mi / 283 km
Riverton to McConnell AFB 176 mi / 283 km
Riverton to Whiteman AFB 181 mi / 291 km
Riverton to Tecumseh 190 mi / 306 km

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