Distance from Smackover, Arkansas to Croton-On-Hudson, New York
Wondering how far is Croton-On-Hudson, New York from Smackover, Arkansas? Here's our driving distance calculation from Smackover to Croton-On-Hudson.
The driving distance between Smackover, Arkansas and Croton-On-Hudson, New York is 1390 mi or 2237 km . It takes 20 hr 47 min to reach Croton-On-Hudson from Smackover by road. The distance by air route is 1165 mi / 1875 km.
There are 3 routes to reach Croton-On-Hudson, New York from Smackover, Arkansas.
1390 mi / 2237 km - 20 hr 47 min
1426 mi / 2295 km - 21 hr 22 min
1423 mi / 2290 km - 21 hr 24 min
Smackover, Arkansas
Time | 06:54:57 |
Latitude | 33.3648506 |
Longitude | -92.7250061 |
State | Arkansas |
Zip | 71762 |
Timezone | America/Indiana/Tell_City |
Croton-On-Hudson, New York
Time | 07:54:57 |
Latitude | 41.2084278 |
Longitude | -73.8912481 |
State | New York |
Zip | 10520 |
Timezone | America/New_York |
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289 mi / 465 km
Smackover Distance to Popular Cities
Route | Distance |
Smackover to Callender Lake | 231 mi / 372 km |
Smackover to Mobile City | 250 mi / 402 km |
Smackover to Rowlett | 263 mi / 423 km |
Smackover to Sachse | 271 mi / 436 km |
Smackover to Murphy | 275 mi / 443 km |
Smackover to Richardson | 281 mi / 452 km |
Smackover to Addison | 282 mi / 454 km |
Smackover to Hackberry | 280 mi / 451 km |
Smackover to Carrollton | 289 mi / 465 km |
Smackover to Hebron | 289 mi / 465 km |
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