Distance from Stedman, North Carolina to Mount Vernon, Washington

Wondering how far is Mount Vernon, Washington from Stedman, North Carolina? Here's our driving distance calculation from Stedman to Mount Vernon.

2949 mi
4746 km
Travel Time
44 hr

The driving distance between Stedman, North Carolina and Mount Vernon, Washington is 2949 mi or 4746 km . It takes 44 hr to reach Mount Vernon from Stedman by road. The distance by air route is 2395 mi / 3854 km.

There are 3 routes to reach Mount Vernon, Washington from Stedman, North Carolina.

Via I-94 W and I-90 W
2949 mi / 4746 km - 44 hr
Via I-90 W
2921 mi / 4701 km - 44 hr
Via I-64 W and I-90 W
2984 mi / 4802 km - 44 hr

Stedman, North Carolina

Time 12:23:48
Latitude 35.0135686
Longitude -78.6937264
State North Carolina
Zip 28391
Timezone America/Kentucky/Monticello

Mount Vernon, Washington

Time 10:23:48
Latitude 48.4201105
Longitude -122.3374543
State Washington
Timezone America/Boise

Nearby Cities

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Southern Shops

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268 mi / 431 km

Cape Charles

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Stedman Distance to Popular Cities

Route Distance
Stedman to Patterson Springs 198 mi / 319 km
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Stedman to Norfolk 227 mi / 365 km
Stedman to Virginia Beach 244 mi / 393 km
Stedman to Laurel Bay 245 mi / 394 km
Stedman to Gloucester Point 265 mi / 426 km
Stedman to Southern Shops 264 mi / 425 km
Stedman to Cheriton 268 mi / 431 km
Stedman to Cape Charles 269 mi / 433 km

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