Distance from Victor, Idaho to Hidalgo, Texas

Wondering how far is Hidalgo, Texas from Victor, Idaho? Here's our driving distance calculation from Victor to Hidalgo.

1713 mi
2757 km
Travel Time
26 hr

The driving distance between Victor, Idaho and Hidalgo, Texas is 1713 mi or 2757 km . It takes 26 hr to reach Hidalgo from Victor by road. The distance by air route is 1408 mi / 2266 km.

There are 2 routes to reach Hidalgo, Texas from Victor, Idaho.

Via I-25 S
1713 mi / 2757 km - 26 hr
Via US-287 S
1810 mi / 2913 km - 27 hr

Victor, Idaho

Time 03:04:20
Latitude 43.6026174
Longitude -111.1113155
State Idaho
Zip 83455
Timezone America/Boise

Hidalgo, Texas

Time 03:04:20
Latitude 26.1003547
Longitude -98.2630684
State Texas
Timezone America/Phoenix

Nearby Cities

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Victor Distance to Popular Cities

Route Distance
Victor to Bear River 194 mi / 312 km
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Victor to Francis E. Warren AFB 453 mi / 729 km
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Victor to Wallace 479 mi / 771 km
Victor to Silverton 480 mi / 772 km
Victor to Baker City 470 mi / 756 km
Victor to Kellogg 489 mi / 787 km
Victor to Wardner 490 mi / 789 km
Victor to Smelterville 493 mi / 793 km

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