Distance from Warden, Washington to Blawnox, Pennsylvania

Wondering how far is Blawnox, Pennsylvania from Warden, Washington? Here's our driving distance calculation from Warden to Blawnox.

2348 mi
3779 km
Travel Time
34 hr

The driving distance between Warden, Washington and Blawnox, Pennsylvania is 2348 mi or 3779 km . It takes 34 hr to reach Blawnox from Warden by road. The distance by air route is 1985 mi / 3195 km.

There are 3 routes to reach Blawnox, Pennsylvania from Warden, Washington.

Via I-94 E and I-90 E
2348 mi / 3779 km - 34 hr
Via I-90 E
2333 mi / 3755 km - 34 hr
Via I-90 E and I-80 E
2342 mi / 3769 km - 35 hr

Warden, Washington

Time 08:09:08
Latitude 46.9676426
Longitude -119.0397305
State Washington
Zip 98857
Timezone America/Boise

Blawnox, Pennsylvania

Time 10:09:08
Latitude 40.4934017
Longitude -79.8606053
State Pennsylvania
Zip 15238
Timezone America/Detroit

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