Distance from Westbrook, Minnesota to Troutdale, Oregon

Wondering how far is Troutdale, Oregon from Westbrook, Minnesota? Here's our driving distance calculation from Westbrook to Troutdale.

1623 mi
2612 km
Travel Time
23 hr 44 min

The driving distance between Westbrook, Minnesota and Troutdale, Oregon is 1623 mi or 2612 km . It takes 23 hr 44 min to reach Troutdale from Westbrook by road. The distance by air route is 1320 mi / 2124 km.

There are 3 routes to reach Troutdale, Oregon from Westbrook, Minnesota.

Via I-90 W
1623 mi / 2612 km - 23 hr 44 min
Via I-90 W and I-84 W
1810 mi / 2913 km - 26 hr
Via I-80 W and I-84 W
1802 mi / 2900 km - 27 hr

Westbrook, Minnesota

Time 10:10:04
Latitude 44.0421825
Longitude -95.4361128
State Minnesota
Zip 56183
Timezone America/North_Dakota/New_Salem

Troutdale, Oregon

Time 09:10:04
Latitude 45.5299324
Longitude -122.399317
State Oregon
Zip 97060
Timezone America/Boise

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Westbrook Distance to Popular Cities

Route Distance
Westbrook to North Oaks 172 mi / 277 km
Westbrook to Offutt AFB 239 mi / 385 km
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Westbrook to Belvidere 327 mi / 526 km
Westbrook to La Plant 320 mi / 515 km
Westbrook to Kadoka 339 mi / 546 km
Westbrook to Midland 333 mi / 536 km
Westbrook to Wakpala 340 mi / 547 km
Westbrook to Whitehorse 343 mi / 552 km
Westbrook to Philip 360 mi / 579 km

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