Distance from Westwood, Kansas to Capron, Oklahoma

Wondering how far is Capron, Oklahoma from Westwood, Kansas? Here's our driving distance calculation from Westwood to Capron.

293 mi
472 km
Travel Time
4 hr 34 min

The driving distance between Westwood, Kansas and Capron, Oklahoma is 293 mi or 472 km . It takes 4 hr 34 min to reach Capron from Westwood by road. The distance by air route is 262 mi / 422 km.

There are 3 routes to reach Capron, Oklahoma from Westwood, Kansas.

Via I-35 S and I-35
293 mi / 472 km - 4 hr 34 min
Via I-35 S, I-35 and KS-2 S
292 mi / 470 km - 4 hr 35 min
Via I-35
301 mi / 484 km - 4 hr 39 min

Westwood, Kansas

Time 02:17:33
Latitude 39.0405608
Longitude -94.6169013
State Kansas
Zip 66205
Timezone America/Indiana/Vincennes

Capron, Oklahoma

Time 00:17:33
Latitude 36.8966959
Longitude -98.5775806
State Oklahoma
Zip 73717
Timezone America/Denver

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Westwood to Newbury 94 mi / 151 km
Westwood to Zeandale 112 mi / 180 km

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