Distance from Woodson, Arkansas to Miltonsburg, Ohio

Wondering how far is Miltonsburg, Ohio from Woodson, Arkansas? Here's our driving distance calculation from Woodson to Miltonsburg.

857 mi
1379 km
Travel Time
12 hr 39 min

The driving distance between Woodson, Arkansas and Miltonsburg, Ohio is 857 mi or 1379 km . It takes 12 hr 39 min to reach Miltonsburg from Woodson by road. The distance by air route is 709 mi / 1141 km.

There are 3 routes to reach Miltonsburg, Ohio from Woodson, Arkansas.

Via I-40 E
857 mi / 1379 km - 12 hr 39 min
Via I-71 N
864 mi / 1390 km - 12 hr 47 min
Via I-64 E and I-71 N
891 mi / 1434 km - 13 hr 7 min

Woodson, Arkansas

Time 23:31:36
Latitude 34.5292609
Longitude -92.2109816
State Arkansas
Zip 72180
Timezone America/Indiana/Tell_City

Miltonsburg, Ohio

Time 00:31:36
Latitude 39.8306276
Longitude -81.1653859
State Ohio
Zip 43793
Timezone America/Detroit

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Lake Kiowa

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Woodson Distance to Popular Cities

Route Distance
Woodson to Hodge 181 mi / 291 km
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Woodson to Callender Lake 303 mi / 488 km
Woodson to Lotsee 303 mi / 488 km
Woodson to Columbus AFB 316 mi / 509 km
Woodson to Mobile City 305 mi / 491 km
Woodson to Rowlett 318 mi / 512 km
Woodson to Lake Kiowa 344 mi / 554 km
Woodson to Nicoma Park 348 mi / 560 km

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