Distance from Yreka, California to Cumberland Gap, Tennessee

Wondering how far is Cumberland Gap, Tennessee from Yreka, California? Here's our driving distance calculation from Yreka to Cumberland Gap.

2558 mi
4117 km
Travel Time
37 hr

The driving distance between Yreka, California and Cumberland Gap, Tennessee is 2558 mi or 4117 km . It takes 37 hr to reach Cumberland Gap from Yreka by road. The distance by air route is 2099 mi / 3378 km.

There are 1 routes to reach Cumberland Gap, Tennessee from Yreka, California.

Via I-80 E
2558 mi / 4117 km - 37 hr

Yreka, California

Time 20:28:08
Latitude 41.7354186
Longitude -122.6344709
State California
Zip 96097
Timezone America/Boise

Cumberland Gap, Tennessee

Time 22:28:08
Latitude 36.599527
Longitude -83.6685252
State Tennessee
Zip 37724
Timezone America/Kentucky/Monticello

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